I do not have two strong trees in my back yard so I thought my dreams of having a pretty hammock were over. I was talking to my mom about it and she suggested I use posts instead... duh! I did some research online and then the hubby and I headed to Lowes. Here is what you will need to make a post hammock set up:
* 2 eight foot 4x4 treated posts
* "Post Digger"- It's like a shovel with two blades on it
* 2 fifty pound bags of concrete
* measuring tape
* level
* 2 eye hooks, 3" long
* 2 s-hooks strong enough to hold a person
To position where you will dig the post holes- add 12" inches of the length of your hammock. This helps create the height you will need so when you lay in it your butt won't hit the ground. No one wants that!
You will need to dig at least 24" down, more if your soil is sandy. The hole should be at least twice the diameter of the posts, example: we used 4X4 posts so our holes were 8", if you use 6X6 posts you're hole will need to be 12".
Measure 12" from the top of the post and screw in eye hooks, do this before you set the posts in the hole.
Mix the concrete and water together one bag at a time and pour into the hole. Make sure your posts are level. Each hole should use one bag of concrete.
Make sure you let the concrete set over night (24 hours) other wise the posts may become crooked.
Put the s-hooks through the eye hooks and then hook on your hammock! YAY :)
The pillow I added is from Target and it was on sale! Also you can tell I'm planning another DIY project if you look carefully in the background. Pallets :) Enjoy your spring everyone!
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